The holistic approach used in Naturopathic medicine is ideally suited to addressing the multiple factors that affect women’s health. The healthy balance that is needed in order for the female body to function at its best incorporates many aspects. Dr. Chan’s knowledge and experience has helped many patients. Some of the situations that Dr. Chan commonly encounters include:
- Hormone Imbalance – Thyroid Disorders, Menopause/Peri-menopause
- Infertility
- Menstrual Irregularities – Pre-menstrual Syndrome, Endometriosis
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
- Pregnancy (Pre- and Post-natal care)
Many women’s health issues can be very frustrating to deal with because they greatly affected by hormone imbalances. Some common conditions related to this that patients experience are:
- Weight Gain
- Anxiety/Depression
- Insomnia
- Unwanted hair growth/loss
- Decreased bone density
Dr. Chan will start by examining your overall symptoms and your menstrual history. If necessary, laboratory testing will be requested such as bloodwork and Saliva Hormone Testing to determine any hormone imbalances. Based on the lab findings, he will put together an individualized treatment protocol that may include changes to your diet, nutritional supplementation to correct any deficiencies, hormone balancing using Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), detoxification, and herbs or other remedies.