Naturopathic Doctor In South Surrey White Rock
Healthcare That Feels Like You’re Being Taken Care Of
Naturopathic doctor in South Surrey/White Rock practicing at SCIMEDICA Health Group. I want to hear about the health problems you are struggling with. Get access to both conventional lab testing and functional medicine testing to identify the root causes of the problem. We will work together on a comprehensive treatment plan to optimize your health naturally.
Start treatment right away. No need to wait for weeks or months just to get an appointment.
Get plenty of time during your visit to ask questions and discuss all of your health concerns.
Receive treatment using science-based natural therapies instead of taking prescription drugs.
Relying Solely On Conventional Medicine Could Be Hurting You

Long Wait Times
Our public healthcare system is overwhelemed and struggling.
Your health is only getting worse while you wait weeks (or months) for an appointment to see a doctor or to get medical testing.

Limited Options
The are only certain tests and treatments that you can get from from the public healthcare system.
Even though your medical doctor wants to do more for you, often they are not allowed to.

Not Treating The Cause
Chronic health problems are a result of many causes.
Pharmaceutical drugs are usually prescribed to only manage symptoms. That leads to their long-term use and increased side-effects.

About Me
Naturopathic Doctor In South Surrey White Rock
In 2014, I realized a dream when when my partners and I started SCIMEDICA Health Group. I am passionate about helping people to achieve peak energy, lose weight, eliminate pain, and optimize hormonal health.
For years, my practice has focused on sports medicine and PRP injections for joint pain. However, I increasingly found that patients were not healing because of poor overall health. Many were struggling with chronic inflammation and pain because of nutritional deficiencies, poor sleep, and excessive amounts of stress.
In over 20 years of practice, I have helped hundreds of patients to restore their metabolic health and vitality. I work with patients — no matter the condition — to help unleash the body’s natural healing potential and get the most out of life.
Ready For A Change? I Can Help.
Schedule an appointment
I work with you on an individualized treatment plan
You enjoy better health and get more out of life
Can You Afford To Continue To Be Unhealthy?
Two of the most valuable things in life are your time and your health. The longer that you continue to settle for being tired, sore, and depressed, the more great life experiences that are going to end up missing out on.
Transform Your Health Today

Better Sleep

More Energy

Improved Mood

Free Of Pain
SCIMEDICA Health Group
Dr. Victor Chan is a naturopathic doctor in South Surrey practicing at SCIMEDICA Health Group.